Friday, November 20, 2009


"Absolutely power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

- John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st Baron Acton


  1. "with a great power comes a great... corruption"

  2. That is true....except for God.

  3. Exactly! That's hwy God doesn't exist! Glad to see you're on my side, Bard! :)

  4. I am on your side, that is why I try to help you see that God DOES exist.

  5. Okay, help me. Show me something I haven't seen yet. But I must wrn you, I come from a conservative family that has used almost every teaching tool in existence to try to convert me!

  6. It is that exact oppositional attitude that prevents you from seeing anything we are able to bring up, regardless of it's validity. This is not a competition, but a mutual seeking of the truth. Unfortunately, you seem more interested in forcing what you perceive as truth on others than you are in actually listening with an open mind.

  7. Alex, I do not want to derail this post with a debate on whether God exists. If you do not wish to be "converted" as you say, I am not interested in trying got force you to convert. You may have noticed from other posts that I believe in personal freedom. If you wish to deny your creator that is you choice. On the other hand, if you ever wish to really seek the truth, I would love to talk to you about what I believe it is.

  8. Kendra,

    Since it is Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for such a great blog!

  9. God has unlimited power, true, but his does not corrupt because he is perfect. Your reasoning is logical, Alex, but there is one idea that is lacking: a perfect God.

    This blog is loaded with such heavy issues. No matter how much your opponent's point infuriates you, great discussion is being done here. I love it!
