Saturday, June 13, 2009

Global Warming: Let's Do Some Research...

Here's the main problem with the theory of Global Warming:

It doesn't exist.

Yeah, you read that right.

Now, before you roll your eyes, say "typical skeptic" and close this window, maybe you want to hear what I have to say?

I'm not an out-and-out skeptic. Not in the usual sense anyway. Yes, I am very skeptical of things until I have looked into them myself, but I DO look into them. I don't just dismiss every theory that sounds unpleasant; I do actually research them first.

I didn't actually challenge the theory of global warming until last semester. I just figured that it was true, or at least mostly true. Well, it's not quite.

Basically, the theory is that if the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were to increase too much, the earth would get too warm. But, as civilization has become more industrialized, people have been burning a lot more fuel than they used to. Before the Industrial Revolution, people burned wood and coal to heat houses and businesses, but that was about it. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, however, people are burning coal, wood, natural gas and gasoline in huge quantities to generate electrical power, run manufacturing machinery, etc. As a result, we have been putting a lot more carbon dioxide into the air than we used to.

This is where worries about global warming come from. Carbon dioxide is a participant in the greenhouse effect, which warms the planet. We also know that the amount of carbon dioxide in the air has been rising steadily over the last 80 years or so. Well, increased carbon dioxide means an increased greenhouse effect, which will result in global warming right?Not quite.Although the fear of global warming IS based on scientific reasoning, it's actually more complex than most people think.

If you look at most scientific graphs, you can tell that over the past 80 years, the amount of carbon HAS risen, but then it dropped back down to an extremely low point, where it stays today. Every once in a while, the carbon dioxide level in the air seems to rise, but it always drops back down again. Thus, global warming isn't actually a problem at all. It's almost a hoax even.

Many people who talk about global warming discuss the fact that in their area of the world, the winters have been unusually warm over the past few years. They say global warming must be happening. This neglects the fact that the entire world is often quite different from one person's corner of it. While one area of the world might be experiencing unusually warm winters, other parts of the world might be having abnormally cool summers. As a result, the GLOBAL temperature does not change very much, despite what might be happening in one region of it.

It is also common to hear that certain large ice sheets that have been the same size for a long time are now starting to melt. This is then used to conclude that the earth ahs a whole is getting warmer.This is not sound scientific reasoning.

The fact that an ice sheet is melting is only evidence that *the part of the world that holds the ice sheet* is warming up. For example, a large ice sheet in the Antarctic Peninsula, the Larsen B ice shelf, has experienced a remarkable decline in size over the past few years. Some say that this is evidence for global warming. The problem is that the WEST Antarctic ice sheet has been THICKENING over the past few years. Thus, while the Antarctic Peninsula is getting warmer, the western part of the Antarctic is getting cooler. It turns out that temperature measurements of Antarctica indicate that overall, Antarctica has actually been cooling since the 1960's.

But, if you dig hard enough, you CAN find some evidence to show the earth is warming up as a whole. For example, land-based temperature measurements do show a slight warming trend, even over the past twenty years. The problem with these data, is that they ignore the 70% of the earth's surface, because they ignore what is happening over the OCEANS. When the entire globe is measured by satellites, no significant warming trend is seen.

Thus, to believe that global warming is occurring, you are forced to rely on the least reliable data and ignore the most reliable data. That's not good scientific practice.

Just something to think about. And please do THINK about it. Today's society takes things from the media without even looking into it.


I just got an idea for another rant...

Until next time. And don't forget: don't just seize the day, seize the night as well.

(This information came primarily from "Exploring Creation with Physical Science" by Dr. Jay L. Wile.)


  1. You might find this interesting:

    The Sun's activity and relative temperature are very closely tied to the Earth's temperature.

    So basically, the sun causes global warming. =D

  2. in theory the sun obviously causes earth's temperature to rise, but it's not that simple
    fancy new header image? ;D

  3. KnightWing: That's true, too, lol! But still, people are saying that the atmosphere is getting "thicker" and therefore trapping and holding more heat. But that's not really true, etc.

    And the change is marked in tenths it looks like, which isn't much of a change really.

    Krevan: Yeah :)

    Yes, I did! What do you think?

  4. I like it =)
    it's cool you chose to handwrite, I think it looks better

  5. Thanks! Yeah, I wasn't really sure how to do any other way, lol :) But I'm glad you think it looks good.

  6. really? ^_^"
    yeah, I do
    what program did you use? paint? if you want I'll send you a screenshot showing you how to write with regular characters ^^

  7. I use paint...I think...yeah, paint, lol :) That'd be cool!

  8. Very Clever! I had not given much thought to Global Warming to begin with, but you do present a valid point.

    I'm also commenting here because I figured it would be a better place to respond to your comment on my blog. From what I have been taught so far, the Wiccan religeion is a polytheistic religion. This means that more than one god/goddess is worshiped. It is based around the God and Goddess and from there spans out into different pantheons of Gods and Goddesses. The Wiccan Religion basically focuses on Karma, Nature, and belief.

    It is not a restricting religion, and there are no sacrificing of animals (which is a common steryotype that is placed on the Wiccan Religion) In fact, one of that main (and just about only) guidlines placed on the Wiccan religion is "And ye harm none, do what thou wilt" Anything you do to harm someone will come back to you three times.

    Also, from what I have expeirienced, the Wiccan aspect of the Pagan religion does involve "Magic" but it could better be precieved as willing something to happen.

    I'm not sure if I have explained all of that exactly right, but I hope I have.

  9. Thanks!

    Oh, that's interesting. So, when you're a Wiccan, what do you do? How do you excercise your beliefs?

  10. Good stuff!
    I used to believe Global warming was true too...
    but as my post 'Advance' said...well you know..haha

  11. I agree, since I read one of Micheal Clayton books.
    great post

  12. I'm not going to pretend I understood all of that. Science is my worst subject and even when people talk about earth science, physics, or so on, it all sounds like textbooks to me. Biology is okay, but that's pretty random. I'm not sure whether Global Warming is real or not, but I'm pretty sure it is. The melting ice caps in the Arctic seem to prove that, and the majority of scientists says it's valid--which is definitely what is important to me. They certainly have the rights to at least the PHYSICAL truth, more than any of us.

    But no matter what, we do have to take care of our earth. I don't agree with those people who say we can keep drilling for oil, littering, wasting so many resources and either they say that God will restore earth in the end, or that the effects aren't real. Sorry I disagree with you so much, because you may be right about many of the things you talk about. But I only seek to broaden minds and maybe even to educate. I really am a pretty annoying follower, aren't I?

  13. (See "Live and Let Live" post. I'm awaiting your response.)

  14. Science is not one of my best subjects, but when something like this comes up, I buckle down and learn/understand it. I don’t want to sound…rude and arrogant, but global warming is a hoax whether you believe it or not. (Wow, that came out *so* jerky…) While the ice caps are melting in places, they are thickening in other places. When the next few decades roll around, the thinning one will probably thicken, and the ones gaining mass will probably take a turn melting a little.

    The majority of scientists also believe in Evolution, and anyway (I’m getting ready to sound like a jerky know-it-all again), believing something JUST because a scientists says so is a logical fallacy called an “appeal to authority”.

    We should take care of the earth within reason. The whole planet is not going to be a giant dumb in twenty years regardless of what people say, though, so I’m taking it all in moderation.

    You aren’t an annoying follower :) I enjoy talking about this kind of stuff, and I thank YOU for giving me someone to talk to :)

  15. My last comment didn't follow through, so if there's a similar one from me before this, that's my fault. I'm only going to address one of your comments. There is such a thing in trusting authority too much--even though scientists aren't always under the control of authority--but there's a difference here.

    No offense, but I would trust an educated and brilliant person who has studied the topic for maybe decades over an online article from perhaps an average citizen using only logic. And then add the majority of scientists who agree. I trust their word over the word of an internet article, your parents, or even your teachers, although I understand how convincing a lecture from a teacher or a long article from a confident person can be.

    I lied. I'm going to respond to one other of your comments. No, the earth will not be a vast desert with a red sky and fire burning on the horizon soon like we see on TV. But, yes, we have to take care of it. We can't pollute our freshwater. We can't cut down our trees which filter the air or the rainforest which provides us with trees and MANY medicines. If not the climate we're changing then our resources which we are destroying. That's all and, wow, did this turn out to be a long comment.

  16. hmmm...interesting. a little confusing...but hey that science. Who'da thought physical science would ever do us some good!

  17. Another thing I'd like to add- the earth has always gone through cycles. For instance, during the 1900's, we had a 'global cooling' scare. Before that, it was warmer. During the revolutionary war, we had another cooling cycle. (We know this because there was ice in the Deleware river. Doesn't happen often.)

    So, I find it hard to believe that man is responsible, since we know this happens anyway!

  18. Ellie B: Lol, I know, right?

    Liberty: Exactly!

  19. Atually, looking at the global cycles of climate change, this is the biggest we've had in the last 3000 years. The only reason I don't say more than that is because That's as long as the US Climate Department's graph is. And very few scientists disagree with global warming. A vast majority believe that man is causing global warming. Yes, there has been periods of cooling and warming in the past, but there as big as this. There's very little evidence to say that global warming DOESN'T exist. And I agree with some of the other people on this blog who say that whether it does or not, we should still take care of our earth. And plus, if global waming turns out to be real, you don't want to have to tell your grandchildren you didn't do anything to stop it, do you? :)

  20. I am not disputing that global warming itself is real. I acknowledge that- but I do not believe that global warming is caused by man.

    Let's think about this. During the 1960's, carbon dioxide levels were at record highs. Yet, at that time, we were in a 'global cooling' craze, if I'm not mistaken. The fact that a whole 1 degree has been added to the annual temperature, and the fact that man is contributing some .3% of dioxide to the atmosphere isn't causing me much grief.

    Besides...why is dioxide a pollutant again? I mean...lesse''re sitting there at you're computer. Breathing, I hope. Guess what happens every time you breath out? A cloud of carbon dioxide goes into the air. Guess what plants eat? Carbon dioxide. A perfectly balanced system.

    So...where's the problem? Even if we do cause it, I don't think anyone's going to cry if a few elite Hollywood celebrities lose their beachfront homes. If they don't want to die, there's a simple solution.


    So, there's my take on global warming and the causes thereof. ;)
