Thursday, January 13, 2011

Government Help

It’s a terrible thought that someone might go hungry at night, or be left in the rain because they lack money. People are important no matter what their income. For a child to grow up without proper nutrition or clothing is a crime. I think every American believes that the poor are to be pitied, and helped.

So why don’t the American people help them? Instead of forcing government action, let the people do it themselves! Instead of forcing taxes on citizens, let them chose to give money to private organizations themselves! Instead of feeding the attitude of bitterness brought on by forced giving, encourage the people to support churches and other organizations freely!

By advocating government involvement, one underestimates the power of the American people. If we could all help each other of our own accord, it would make America stronger economically, more stable socially, and more upright morally. The answer here is not government aid. The answer is for each American to put his money, and actions, where his mouth is and build a stronger society, where the government doesn’t have to force the people to do what is right.

~Kendra Logan


  1. I couldn't agree more!
    Christians are already called to be a helping hand the poor. It shouldn't be a problem!

  2. Agree completely! Government is far from the best and most effective means of societal charity, as we've seen throughout the years with the various programs intended to help the needy. As Camellia pointed out, Christians, individual Christians, are called to help the poor and the needy. And such charity should never be motivated by the threat of force from an exterior body, especially not the government.

  3. Thanks, you guys! I'm glad you liked the post! I agree with both of you very much.


  4. I believe this extends first to our families. We are told to honor our parents, and I believe this includes taking care of them in their old age and that doesn't mean a nursing home. The same applies to our siblings or children or cousins or so on who need help. If everyone helped their relatives (and also holds them accountable to be responsible and upright and hold a job and so on) it would alleviate many social and economic problems. And yes, after this priority comes our priorities to care for our church families. After this, people can reach out to their wider communities. I totally believe in getting rid of public schools and letting the free market and community involvement to create the quality of schools.
