Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Second Biannual Followers Say

The second biannual Followers Say is coming up on March 27. It seems like it came fast, doesn't it?

Most of you probably remember what this is about, but for those of you who weren't here back in September, let me explain this a little by reposting the original announcement (dates and some specifics modified):

On Saturday March 27th there is going to be a special edition of Carpe Noctem: "Followers Say..." You will be granted access to posting on Carpe Noctem from midnight on the 25, to 11:59pm on the 26. You will be allowed to post up to three times during that twelve hours, on three separate topics of your choice.

I know my awesome followers have lots to say on lots of issues, and it's difficult to fully explain your point just through commenting.

Suggested Topics:
1. "I believe/disbelieve Evolution because..."
2. "I believe/disbelieve in God because..."
3. "My opinion on our president is..."
4. "I am a republican/democrat because..."
5. "My view on political-correctness is..."
6. "What I think God meant in Genesis is..."
7. "I think global warming..."
8. "I believe homosexuality is a choice/is not a choice because..."
9. An in-depth critique or response to any of my previous posts.
10. An idea of your own. (Please email me your idea ahead of time.)

-You can chose 1-3 topics from the above list.
-If you have another topic you would like to discuss, please shoot me an email just so I'll know.
-You can post up to 3 times during the 12 hour period.
-Profanity is discouraged, but if that's the only way you can think to express yourself, go right ahead. Hopefully, though, we're all articulate enough to avoid that whenever possible.
-Preferably, you must be a follower of Carpe Noctem to participate, but you don't *have* to be. I'd appreciate it, though :)

Preferred formatting of your post(s):
-Please put your name and the title of your post in the title.
-Please state which idea you chose at the beginning of your post.
-Please address one idea per post. (Don't address all the possible ideas in a single post.)

This is an extremely laid-back kind of thing. I'm not going to remove part or all of your post because it offends me. Even if it does, this is your time to share, not mine.

If you or someone you know would like to participate in Followers Say, email me at livinglovinglaughinglearning@gmail.com and I'll send you the link to join Carpe Noctem for the day of March 27. Hope you decide to join!

This time around, I plan to have an award for all those who participate in Followers Say.

As always, questions, comments, concerns, or Hey-How-Are-Yous can be sent to that email, too :)