I've been going on and on about how Evolution is wrong, people are being biased, people aren't looking into things, etc. etc. BUT. The real question is, DO I HAVE A BETTER IDEA?
Criticism without ideas for change is basically just nagging. So, unless I have a better idea of what to do with all this, I am the official most annoying Blog-Nagger out there.
But I DO have a better idea.
(Which just makes me the most annoying Blogger out there.)
Here are my ideas:
1. Stop seeing the issue as Bible vs. Science. They don't contradict. Evolutionary naturalists like to portray ALL Christians as "Genesis liberalists who reject the evidence of science for purely religious reasons". Not true. The Bible and good Science don't contradict.
I know some of your are saying, that the Bible says the world is flat, it says the sun rises, it says a rabbit chews cud. Well, yes, it does say that. But that's because the Bible was written in phenomonological (fih-NOH-min-uh-LOH-jih-cal) language, meaning it says things how it looks to us, not how it actually is. It's kind of a form of poetry almost.
2. Stop relying on the "blind watchmaker thesis". Having the world just suddenly "happen" or evolve from a single-celled organism is like trying to make a watch while blindfolded. It's pretty much impossible. All the tiny, tiny pieces have to mesh perfectly, and doing that blindfolded would be inconcievable.
3. Realize the philosophical bias in today's society. Most people nowadays think that "good science" BEGINS with the assumption that there is no God. Without even testing this theory, without opening any other options.
I'm just going to throw this out there: scientists are scard. That's why they make sure to define their terms so that naturalism is true by definition.
Why are they scared? Because their theories are not as sound as they like to make people think.
So, yes. I have a better idea. Those are some ideas, but my main idea is, as always this:
I am trying to open mine. I research Evolution AND Creation both with an open mind, and I still come to these same conclusions. There are stories of countless Evolutionists who have tried to prove the theory, but instead realized it's holes and improbabilities.
Whether you are a Christian or and Evolutionist, or both, as some claim to be, don't defend your belief without first looking into it. Blind faith is silly. Check your facts, do your research, open your eyes.